Developer Notes

3. Introduction to the Plugins and Projects

Pliny's source code is distributed across 5 Eclipse projects, of which three are Plugins, one provides code to allow Pliny to operate as a standalone program (using Eclipse's RCP technology), and the last provides a persistance base for Pliny model classes. The projects are:

  • this plugin-project contains most of the Pliny code, and provides implementation for all the Pliny Views and two of the Pliny Editors: the Note Editor and the Pliny WWW Browser. All the common code that is shared between Pliny Plugins is also held here, including shared JFace Actions, GEF Commands, and GEF EditParts. See the description of it in the section plugin.
  • this plugin-project provides the Pliny Image Annotator as an Eclipse Editor.
  • this plugin-project provides the Pliny PDF File Annotator as an Eclipse Editor.
  • this project provides the code to allow the Pliny plugins to operate in a standalone application. This is not a plugin project. It is briefly described in section the project
  • this plugin project provides the code to support persistence for Pliny object data.

Note that it is likely that the Pliny Web Browser will be pulled out of and put into its own Plugin at some point.

John Bradley
Center for Computing in the Humanities
King's College London