
Class Summary
LinkableObjectFigure Creates the draw2d Figure that represents the MVC View for LinkableObjects in a GEF generated reference/annotation area -- what the Pliny help pages calls the Reference Object.
MapContentFigure Creates the draw2d Figure that represents the MVC View for MapContentHolders in a GEF generated reference/annotation area -- the content part for what the Pliny help pages calls the Reference Object that displays the surrogate's reference/annotation area.
NoteTextFigure Creates the draw2d Figure that represents the MVC View for displaying the textual content of NoteLuceneds in a GEF generated reference/annotation area -- what the Pliny help pages calls the content area of Reference Object.
ReferencerFigure Creates the draw2d Figure for the "referencer" that can appear for any Reference Object in a GEF generated reference/annotation area.
RootFigure Creates the draw2d Figure that represents the base surface for Pliny's reference/annotation area.
ScalableImageFigure Manages the scaling of an image.
TextContentFigure Creates the draw2d Figure that provides a scolling object (draw2d ScrollPane) that will display the textual content of a NoteLucened.
TopPanel provides a draw2d Figure that displays the title area of a annotation/reference area's Reference Object.