
Class Summary
AddLinkableObjectsCommand This command provides the mechanism for the adding of LinkableObjects that have been moved from one container to another (what GEF calls 're-parenting').
AddLOTypeCommand Creates a new LOType.
AddToFavouritesCommand This command creates a new Favourites item (now called Bookmark in the UI) that points to a given Resource.
ChangeImageZoomValueCommand Changes the Zoom value (which controls the visual display size of an image) for resources of type IZoomableImageResource.
ChangeUrlCommand Resets a URL attached to a particular Web-Page Resource to the given new URL.
CreateAnchorCommand Creates a new anchor in a Pliny reference or annotation area.
CreateAnnotationCommand Creates a new annotation in a Pliny reference or annotation area.
CreateLinkableObjectCommand places a new LinkableObject in the reference/annotation area of a given Resource.
CutObjectsCommand This command supports the use of the "cut" operation within a reference/annotation area.
DeleteFavouriteCommand deletes a Favourite (now called "bookmark") item.
DeleteLinkableObjectCommand deletes a LinkableObject item.
DeleteLinkCommand deletes a Link item.
DeleteObjectTypeCommand deletes a ObjectType item.
DeleteResourceCommand deletes a Resource item.
DeleteTypeCommand deletes a LOType item and transfers any LinkableObjects or Links that refer to this one being deleted to a specified LOType.
FixupLinksCommand used as a part of a compound command created by ResourceObjectsXYLayoutPolicy.getAddCommand(org.eclipse.gef.Request) to handle all Links between a set of LinkableObjects that are involved in a move from one display resource to another.
GroupLinkableObjectsCommand groups a Vector of LinkableObjects by first creating a new note to hold them and putting the group into the new note's reference area and then creating a new reference object (LinkableObject) for the new note in the place where the LinkableObjects came from.
LinkableObjectMoveCommand moves the display position and resizes a LinkableObject in its reference area.
LinkableObjectNameUpdateCommand changes the name of a Resource linked as the surrogate to the given LinkableObject.
LOLinkCreateCommand creates a new Link to connect two given LinkableObjects.
MinimizeAllContainedObjectCommand extends MinMaxBaseCommand to provide a command to minimize all LinkableObjects displayed in the reference/annotation area for the given Resource.
MinMaxBaseCommand provides a common code base for commands to minimise or maximise a group of LinkableObjects.
MinMaxSelectedItemsCommand extends MinMaxBaseCommand to provide a command to take the set of LinkableObjects provided and either minimize them or expand them all.
MoveLinkEndCommand changes either end (source or target) of a Link from one LinkableObject to another.
NoteTextUpdateCommand replaces the content of a Note ( NoteLucened) with new text.
OrphanLinkableObjectsCommand This command provides the mechanism for the orphaning of LinkableObjects that are being moved from one container to another (what GEF calls 're-parenting').
PastePlinyCommand handles the paste part of a copy/paste operation, for pasting into the reference/annotation area.
RemoveFavouriteCommand This command removes an existing Favourites item (now called Bookmark in the UI) from the list of favourites.
ResourceExplorerNewNoteCommand invoked by the ResourceExplorer's NewNoteWizard to create a new Note.
SetItemsToTypeCommand command to set all the provided items to a specified LOType.
SetReferentCommand a command to take the given Resource and set it up as the current Referent.
UpdateLOTypeCommand this command allows any of the attributes associated with a LOType to be changed.
UpdateNameCommand command to change the name of any object that has a name.